I first saw Los Amigos Invisibles over 12 years ago in a little stadium in rural Ohio. It was a weird concert, and I'm not sure anybody really 'got' what they were trying to do. Since then, the Venezuelan band (now based out of NYC) has continued to push boundaries by amassing a unique body of work that defies easy categorization: it's rock, pop, funk, disco beats, verbal wordplay, sexy dance music...
But now, there is a documentary in the pipeline, La Casa del Ritmo,that will give an inside view of the band and their music. How does this connect to Charlotte? Well, the producer of the film, Juan Marin, was a member of Charlotte rock band La Rua. He became friends with Los Amigos Invisibles when they passed through Charlotte, and when he and his wife, Catalina, moved to NYC last year, the project took off.
However, the film needs help. To make it complete, the filmmakers are planning to record LAI live in concert on March 11 in New York. If you've ever seen the band play, you'll understand why- the tremedous energy of their live performances, the interaction with the audience, the way the funky bass and organ meld into the light show-all are part of telling the story of LAI. Filming this type of live show takes money, especially if you want to make it high quality (this won't be one of those shaky youtube videos with tinny sound where people keep wandering in front of the camera). So Juan is asking, and I'm passing on the word, for people to visit kickstarter, which is an online fundraising site, to check out the film preview and see if it is something you might want to support (monetarily).
Preview video
Kickstarter weblink:
Film Website