"If you play more than two chords, you're showing off." Woody Guthrie

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tropic Culture

Last Friday, Daliz was in town and I took her to see one of the local bands, Tropic Culture, play at the Visulite in Charlotte. Tropic Culture plays a mix of funk, reggae, ska, and rock. The last time I saw them, they played an acoustic set that had more of a coffeehouse folksy feel, but this time they pulled out all the stops, presenting the full band with horns, drums, electric guitar and voices.
Here are some photos from the concert.

The opening acts paired visual and musical artists. Here a spoken word poet from Atlanta collaborates with a painter on stage.

Another painter works during the show.

Tropic Culture took the stage in retro 80s get-ups.

Get on up!

The audience

An audience member on stage dancing samba

The guitarist wearing short shorts

Singing a song

Daliz was entertained

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