"If you play more than two chords, you're showing off." Woody Guthrie

Saturday, August 7, 2010


This entry you get a two for one, because last night I decided to hit up two different places to see some local music.

First, I witnessed the continuing saga of Ultima Nota, who played at Dressler's amid threatening rainclouds. Some friends and family of the band showed up. The darkening skies made for pinkish hues and am element of danger as lightning struck off in the distance.

Some may ask why I keep following a band like Ultima Nota, even after having heard every song they could possibly play in every possible way. Maybe it's for moments like this, joking around in the down time between sets.

Next, I hurried over to hear Reinaldo Brahm play at Chima downtown. The first Friday of every month, the Brazilian steakhouse hosts a party in their upstairs cocktail lounge. I had stopped by briefly a couple of times before, but last night I stuck around. Reinaldo played some classic samba and bossa nova singing and strumming guitar, while a couple of guys accompanied him on percussion. The atmosphere was ferstive, with two birthday gatherings going on in the back corner, and by the last few songs, everyone was up dancing.

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