"rock en español in Charlotte is dead"
"no one is coming out to shows"
"there are no new exciting bands coming up" etc. etc....
I'm not sure how to respond to these comments. I have a vested interest in seeing a vibrant Latin rock scene here in Charlotte, since it is one of the musical forms that I'm studying and I've met and come to know and like some of the musicians who play rock. And I wasn't around several years ago during the heyday of La Rua and other rock bands, so I can only speculate and rely on what others say about how then compares to now. Did I sneeze and miss the moment?
While rock en tu idioma seemingly fades into the sunset, the political and economic context in Charlotte intensifies. Unemployment reaches 12 percent, budget cuts and closings are announced for schools and libraries, President Obama stops by for a photo-op but doesn't mention immigration reform while memos from Homeland Security outline a policy of increased deportation and detention of undocumented immigrants.
So if that doesn't depress you, here are some pictures of a concert where almost nobody showed up. Dorian Gris played songs from their new cd and New York-based Kofre showed up. The bands rocked, fans had fun, but it wasn't the best night for live music.
Dorian Gris gets into a song
The minuscule fan base
Chilling before the show
Dorian's rehearsal playlist
Kofre dresses for the part
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